Who else wants to finally understand music theory using secrets your guitar teacher doesn't even know about?
Hi, my name is Neill...
I'm a London based musician and guitar teacher, and I want to tell you a story about why you've always struggled to understand and apply music theory. Like many people I found understanding and using music theory very hard, that is until I discovered superior methods for learning music theory.
There are reasons that guitar players like you and I have been left confused and demotivated by every single method out there.
But understanding music theory can become incredibly easy if you are shown how to unlock the secrets of the fretboard.

My specialty is in helping people who have always struggled to learn, understand and use music theory and specifically people that may mistakenly think that they are too old to learn.
The trick is to overthrow the piano paradigm that is holding you back and embrace the attributes of the guitar that make it the best instrument for learning theory. Contrary to what you've been led to believe!
But before I get into all of that I’m going to explain to you just where you’ll be after learning with the Guitar Theory Revolution method.

With Guitar Theory Revolution you will...

- Stop feeling like you’re too old or stupid to understand music theory.
- Feel like you’ve discovered secrets about the guitar that have been hidden from you. It’s crazy to think some of this stuff isn’t more well known.
- Stop wasting your time and money on useless resources that only confuse you.
- Stop worrying that you aren’t progressing as fast as you’d like and feel relieved that you know exactly what to learn in order to get better.
- Will no longer feel lost or lack a sense of direction.
- Understand exactly what you need to learn in order to get better.
- Know what to focus on in order to get the music you hear in your head coming out of the guitar.
- Understand why, contrary to popular belief the guitar is actually an excellent instrument for learning music theory.
- Train your ear to recognise all the intervals.
- Remember everything you’ve learned… forever.
- Feel confident about jamming with your friends or at the local jam night.
- Have an exact roadmap that shows you what to learn in which order.
- Finally have fun learning and using music theory!
In short, after just a short time reading the information and doing the exercises in Guitar Theory Revolution you’ll have made more progress than in all your years of aimless noodling and trying to piece together information from the internet, magazines DVDs and online videos.
Just take a moment to think about what you’ve achieved with all the ‘free’ resources out there? Has it helped you improve or are you more confused than ever? I say ‘free’ because it has in fact cost you time and effort as well as sapped your motivation to learn.
I can definitely help you because I understand where you are right now and what you need to do to get where you want to be
I tried and failed to learn music theory several times when I first started playing guitar. I just couldn’t get my head around it. Which is strange since I'm able to understand maths, physics, philosophy you name it… hey, just want to let you know that I’m not stupid.
And neither are you.
But that’s how many guitar players are made to feel by what I sometimes call music theory snobs.

The way some ‘teachers’ act it seems as if it’s the students fault if they can’t understand the material. Well it can be if the student lacks motivation. But I happen to know that most guitar players would love to master music theory.
I look at it in this way. If the students aren’t able to understand and learn then the teacher needs to switch things up and try a different approach until the students do.
It’s the teacher’s responsibility that the student learns. Unfortunately most people teaching music theory for the guitar are still stuck in old paradigms, often based around the piano, ideas that haven’t changed in decades.
Is it so crazy to try something different? I simply can’t believe that guitar players are inherently more stupid or lazy than other musicians.
It turns out I was right, there is a better way of doing things. Over the years I discovered a bunch of ‘secrets’ that totally blew my mind and changed the way I look at the guitar.
Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on, I just wanted to let you know that I understand where a lot of you are. I’ve felt that frustration, like vital information was being hidden from me.
What is the Guitar Theory Revolution?
The Guitar Theory Revolution is my complete method. It consists of several different resources; books, videos diagrams and MP3s.
The main component of the method is the 118 page printable e-book and the 'Key Concepts' videos that contain the systems, patterns, diagrams and exercises that will open your mind to a whole new way of understanding music theory as a guitar player (btw I've included diagrams for left handed players as well).
And don’t worry about the amount of information I will give you, because I break things down and guide you through it all in a step by step fashion so you learn everything easily.
It's a roadmap that will show you exactly what to focus on at every point.
And it's only the first part of a whole system that's been created to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

What else does the Guitar Theory Revolution package consist of?
- 118 Page E-book (Printable PDF file).
- 8 'Key Concepts' videos to help you understand the most important aspects of my method.
- 22 MP3s of ear-training exercises.
- 44 Page Diagram E-Book (Printable PDF file) of large diagrams and tables (also for left-handed players).
- Exclusive News Letter for Guitar Theory Revolutionaries.
- Free updates sent straight to your inbox for life!
- E-mail me with any questions or suggestions for future lessons whenever you want.
Specific topics include

- The Major, Minor and Pentatonic scales.
- How to figure out songs by ear using the Cycle/Circle of 4ths and 5ths.
- Learn to recognise musical intervals by ear, the key to linking theory to practice.
- Where and when to use 6th and 7th chords.
- How to become a better improviser.
- The Universal Note Pattern and how to memorise all the notes on the fretboard.
- Integrated with Mike George’s ‘Color Music System’ ™ The premier visual learning aid.
- How to write songs easily using the Cycle/Circle of 4ths and 5ths.
- The CAGED Chord Pattern that will allow you to play chords all over the fretboard
- The BEAD-GCF Pattern that shows you the key to musical theory right there on the fretboard. You won’t see this on the piano, believe me.
- The Five Fret Pattern and how it allows you to play chords and scales wherever you want. It even allows you to make up your own patterns and chords on the spot.
- How to communicate to other musicians what you’ve learned using standard music theory technology.

I need to to be honest here...
Look, before we go any further I have to admit this method is not for everyone.
It's for particular kinds of people: people that want to be real musicians.
I don't mean that you already need to be knowledgable and skilled. Not at all!
It doesn't matter how skilled you are or for how long you've been playing.
What I mean is that my method is for the kinds of people that appreciate things like soloing along to their favourite songs or the fun of getting together with a bunch of friends and having a jam.
So this isn't for the kind of people that just want to mindlessly shred emotionless million-note solos all day long.

And it's not for people that want to show off how many hundreds of scales they know in stead of actually making music. It's not a competition. I don't have anything against playing fast, and of course I teach many scales in my method.
But what I teach is first and foremost for people that want to play with passion and soul. It's about helping guitar players finally connect what they hear in their head with what they are able to musically express with their hands on the fretboard. If that's the kind of person you want to be then this method might be for you.
Because that's what's really important about music, right? Effortless expression of what's inside you. That's what we're all aiming for at the end of the day.
I don't mean to rant. I know to many people this will sound corny and cheesy, but that's just how I feel.
So if you think you and I are on the same page, and you can see where I'm coming from, then my method is the right one for you.
I think you can imagine the amount of time and effort that I've put into setting up my website, writing up lessons, creating diagrams, recording and editing videos.
Well times that by ten to get an idea of how much effort I put into all of these learning materials. I'm not ashamed to say that.
Basically I've spent hundreds of hours honing my teaching method and boiling it down into the most potent form I could come up with. I've revised and reworked it several times, taking feedback from students and fellow teachers along the way.
And I'll keep updating and improving it forever.
So if any of this thinking resonates with you then I'm happy for you to continue and want to welcome you into my little Guitar Theory Revolution gang.
What you can invest to finally understand music theory...
IF I worked out how much I should charge for these e-books and MP3s purely based on how much of my time you’re getting then it would come out to at least $450, as that’s how much I would have to charge to coach you as an individual to master these ideas and skills. (9 Hours x $50 per hour)
IF I charged for the amount of hours I put in to designing the course and creating all the materials, not to mention the fact that I'm continually making updates… it would obviously be a lot more.
BUT my intention is to get this information out to as many people as possible while still covering my costs. So I’ve managed to keep the price down to…
A complete steal at only $39 for the Silver Level (Note: final price may include local taxes).
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Blues Theory Revolution e-book, the sequel to Guitar Theory Revolution - 68 pages
- Blues Theory Revolution diagrams e-book - 39 pages
- Guide to designing your own practice routines - 8 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
If you have any questions about any of these products, contact me at: neill@guitartheoryrevolution.info
What have people been saying about learning with
Guitar Theory Revolution?
Brian M
Hi Neill,
I’m one of those guys who picked up a guitar aged 11; loved the sounds; found trying to make sense of conventional music/guitar theory as helpful as finding a light switch in a total powercut!
Now aged 64 not much beyond those old cowboy chords I’ve enjoyed so much playing over the years.Thank you so much for explaining the way the guitar, music theory and my listening and playing belong together in ways I can finally understand. I’m about as excited as a guy my age can get without exploding!
FINALLY! Why does everyone assume that guitar dummies
(like me) know what the 5th in the circle of 5ths is?
5th what?
You explained it so I can understand...
NOW I see said the blind man.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Thanks for these lessons, they are better than anything I’ve bought to educate myself and even better than justinguitar.com on the theory side.
Jim R
Great approach, Neill!
I’ve been scrutinizing my fretboard for quite a few years now and this is one of the best ways to look at it.
Great insight!
Here’s what you get with Guitar Theory Revolution:
- Full colour printable lesson and exercise e-book, (118 Pages) valued at $31
- 8 'Key Concepts' videos: $50
- Full colour printable diagrams e-book (44 Pages) valued at $25
- 22 Ear Training MP3s valued at $65
- Access to the exclusive GTR Newsletter and free updates for life, valued at $27
- Total Value if sold separately: $198
- Did I mention you get free updates for life?
- You can get all of the above as a Silver Member for: $39 (Note: Final price may include local taxes).
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Blues Theory Revolution e-book, the sequel to Guitar Theory Revolution - 68 pages
- Blues Theory Revolution diagrams e-book - 39 pages
- Guide to designing your own practice routines - 8 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax

My Guarantee
Get this and go through it immediately. If after 10 minutes, you don’t feel you’ve already gotten your money’s worth…
I DEMAND you contact me… and I will return every penny of your purchase… quietly and promptly… No questions asked.
You only stand to gain by acting on this immediately… better still… this guarantee lasts a full 60 days. I’m giving you 2 months to try out the Guitar Theory Revolution.
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Blues Theory Revolution e-book, the sequel to Guitar Theory Revolution - 68 pages
- Blues Theory Revolution diagrams e-book - 39 pages
- Guide to designing your own practice routines - 8 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
Get Started Now. Gain access to the Guitar Theory Revolution!

P.S. I know how frustrating it is to feel like essential secrets to progressing are being held from you. I can definitely help you move past those feelings to becoming a better guitar player who understands and uses music theory in their playing.
Guitar Theory Revolution is designed to put the students first and after just a few lessons you’ll understand more about music theory than 90% of the guitar players out there. You’ll finally have some direction and be given information that you actually understand and can apply immediately.
P.P.S. Remember the 60 day money back guarantee on your purchase. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Get the Silver Level now for $39 (Note: Final price may include local taxes)
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Blues Theory Revolution e-book, the sequel to Guitar Theory Revolution - 68 pages
- Blues Theory Revolution diagrams e-book - 39 pages
- Guide to designing your own practice routines - 8 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax

…Guitar Theory Revolution.
Yes Neill, I want to become a better guitar player and musician by finally understanding the real secrets to learning music theory for the guitar. I want to stop feeling confused and frustrated and stop being treated as if I’m stupid by so called teachers.
I understand that by acting today I will be entitled access to the Guitar Theory Revolution E-books, the key concepts videos, 22 ear training MP3s and the Guitar Theory Revolution Newsletter. Plus any free exercises and resources that may be sent to me in the future.
It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and completing the order process this instant!
Get the Silver Level now for $39 (Note: final price may include local taxes).
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
- Full course e-book - 118 pages
- 8 ‘Key Concepts’ videos
- Large diagrams e-book - 44 pages
- Diagrams e-book for left-handed players
- 22 ear training MP3s
- Blues Theory Revolution e-book, the sequel to Guitar Theory Revolution - 68 pages
- Blues Theory Revolution diagrams e-book - 39 pages
- Guide to designing your own practice routines - 8 pages
- Exclusive customer newsletter
- Free updates for life
Final price may include local tax
If you have any questions about any of these products, contact me at: neill@guitartheoryrevolution.info
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